субота, 23. август 2014.

Задругарство у САД: Енергетска задруга Show Me

У малом месту Centerview у америчкој савезној држави Мисури делује енергетска задруга
Show Me Energy Cooperative (SMEC). Задруга прерађује биомасу енергетских биљака. Задруга поседује машине за пелетирање биомасе. Пелети направљени од биомасе енергетских усева се далје користе за сагоревање ради добијања топлотне енергије за домаћинства и термоелектране.


Who We Are:

Show Me Energy Cooperative (SMEC), located in Centerview, Missouri, is a biomass aggregation and processing facility. We are a producer owned cooperative, meaning that the member-farmers own the facility. We have successfully operated commercially since 2008, surviving off of our own profits and without subsidies. The facility was built with the equity the farmers paid into the cooperative.

What We Do:

We receive biomass from our farmer members, and custom process it according to the needs of the customer. We have the unique ability to process virtually any type of biomass (grasses, crop residue, and wood). Our processing skills have been refined through our own research and development here on site. We can process these biomass products down to any mil length desired, and then blend them with other ingredients to deliver the exact product our customers want. The processed material can then be shipped in a finely ground form, or the customer may choose to have them pelletized. Our typical pellets are ¼ inch x ¾ inch in size. Processed material can be shipped in bulk, or in super tote bags that weigh approximately one ton. Our customized biomass processing is used by the cattle feed industry, liquid fuels research, heating, and electrical generation; each of these requires different processing recipes.

Who We Are:

Show Me Energy Cooperative (SMEC), located in Centerview, Missouri, is a biomass aggregation and processing facility. We are a producer owned cooperative, meaning that the member-farmers own the facility. We have successfully operated commercially since 2008, surviving off of our own profits and without subsidies. The facility was built with the equity the farmers paid into the cooperative.

На веб страници Универзитета Илиноис је објављена презентација о активностима задруге директора задруге Steve Flick-а,  на симпозијуму одржаном на Универзитету Илиноис јануара 2009 године, у пдф формату.

среда, 6. август 2014.

Енергетска задруга Som Energia

У граду Ђирона у покрајини Каталонија, Шпанија је основана енергетска задруга Som Energia.
Задруга продаје струју произведену из обновљивих извора енергије члановима задруге.

Цитат: Som Energia is Catalunya's first renewable energy cooperative. The model is already well developed and functioning successfully in northern European countries such as the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark. There, hundreds of thousands of home owners are members of non-profit cooperatives that provide them with affordable electricity generated by wind turbines, solar panels, biogas plants etc.