субота, 18. јун 2016.

Задруге и обновљива енергија-REScoop

REScoop је европска федерација задруга за обновљиву енергију.

About our Federation
REScoop.eu is the European federation for groups and cooperatives of citizens for renewable energy and energy efficiency. We are a growing network of 1,240 REScoops and 650,000 European citizens. Through REScoop.eu, we wish to make our voices heard in the European energy debate. We after all are the ones who will be paying for the transition to a more sustainable energy system. Our federation has four well-defined objectives:
  • We represent the voice of citizens and renewable energy cooperatives to European policy makers
  • We actively support the start-up of new REScoops
  • We develop valuable services for our members
  • We promote the REScoop model throughout Europe

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